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Application for Scholarship

Many reasons might motivate you to apply for scholarship for Wednesday 5Rhythms Waves or a local 5Rhythms workshop: you love to dance, you love the connection with community, you love the music. All good reasons. Scholarship funding is available for students whose primary motivation is learning and deepening their 5Rhythms practice. Please apply only if this is your top priority: a deep interest in learning this moving meditation and how it applies to your life. 

Learning requires consistent attendance. Check your schedule and apply only if you are able to show up on time and complete each session fully.  Attendance needs to be as close to 100% as possible, barring emergency or illness. We understand financial challenges do not evaporate overnight: multiple scholarship award is a possibility.  Yearly limit is 3 applications and/or $300. 

If you meet the criteria please continue with the next four application steps. Be assured your application is strictly confidential.

"Generosity is giving more than you can;

pride is taking less than you need." Kahlil Gibran

CHECKING IT OUT:                                                     

Workshops: check dates, times, cost of workshop for which you are applying.  100% attendance required.  Please consider that applying for scholarship after early-bird discount rate expires results in more funds drawn from the collective scholarship account.  Please apply early so more dancers can take advantage of the scholarship opportunity.    


Wednesday Night Waves: scholarship is for 10 class card which costs $175.  Your scholarship card expires in 4 months. Please insure you can attend ten classes in that four month time span.


Find a quiet place to sit undisturbed for 10 minutes, legs crossed, spine straight, as best as you are able.   Rest hands on thighs, palms down. This body shape is the mudra (a body position that cultivates a specific awareness) of sobriety: “neither more nor less than necessary.” Breathe several minutes, cultivating a sense of still quiet.  Meditate in consideration of your own true needs, and, at the same time, all others in financial need.  Monetary contribution is necessary, even if it be small.  Determine an amount that is neither more — nor less — than necessary for you at this time.   How much of the total tuition can you manage yourself?  How much do you need from the collective scholarship pool to attend?


Write a brief paragraph about your 5Rhythms practice and how it serves in your life. Indicate the amount of financial support you need and expand just a bit on why this is a time of financial need in your life.

Email your brief paragraph to MAJICA, it will then be reviewed by the scholarship committee.

Thank you for this application. You can expect an answer to your request within one week. 

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